Monday, September 20, 2010

A year Ago...

It's werid to think a year ago yesterday I was oblivous to the fact that I had concived the most beautiful baby. A year ago I was so naive and lost. I just lived life. A year ago yesterday Avery Didn't have a beating heart yet, She was just a egg. It's crazy. I was pregnant, this time last year. And I didn't find out until october. It's sometimes hard to believe I ever was pregnant. Sometimes it sheems so surrel.
I can't believe how far I've come since then. I know who I am now. I know where I'm going. And I can only thank my beautiful birthdaughter for that. I miss her everyday. But now that pain is numb. I've learned to live with a broken heart. And it's okay...Because I'm strong. I know the choice I made for her was the right one.