Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Nobody told me these last few weeks of my pregnancy would be so crazy,
At least i know one thing. Avery most certainly takes after me, stubborn.
Everytime I think or feel like im going to labor she changes her mind. I mean come on little girl whats so great about being in my tummy??
I felt so bad because this weekend I felt like my water had broken and no it hadnt.
My poor adoptive couple got to wyoming then had to turn around. And as soon as they got to bck to denver I started having intense contractions.
LOl go figure.
In a way it's a mind game, the days are going by ever so slowly. And what drives me more insane is that I'm coming so close to holding my beautiful baby girl.
But knowing her, she's going to come when I least expect it.
All well,
I've waited almost nine the most ill be waiting at least three weeks.
three weeks?? ugh...feels like forever!!!
I'm also extremly grateful to my mom, she has been such a big support through all this. I wouldn't have been able to make it without her. She has been such a strength...:)
well theres really nothing left to do but wait.
Come on little girl!!! were awesome out here!!
We all can't wait to meet you.